Uncharted: the plane scene in the film compared to that in the video game

Ruben Fleischer's adventure blockbuster, starring Tom Holland, is very faithful to the original video game… at least for the duration of this sequence!

First unencrypted broadcast, this Sunday, ofUncharted. Tune in precisely at 9:10 p.m. on TF1 to follow this adventure led by Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas… To wait, here is a video deciphering one of its most commented scenes during its cinema release, in early 2022 .

In the official trailer for the adaptation of the famous video game Uncharted signed Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland, Venom), we can see the character of Nathan Drake, hero of the film played by Tom Holland, try at all costs to get back on board a plane while it is in mid-flight by hanging on to crates. A thrilling scene, which brings back memories for purists of the eponymous 2007 game to such an extent that it seems modeled on Uncharted 3 :

We indeed find the sequence where Nathan Drake has to climb on boxes and try to reach the plane, the moment where one of his attackers is carried away with one of the boxes which he narrowly avoids, the jump into the empty to reach the plane… So many similarities which prove the fidelity of this adaptation to the original video game. A fidelity that is found throughout the trailer, with sequences and settings directly inspired by Naughty Dog games.

Uncharted, directed by Ruben Fleischer and written by Art Marcum, Matthew Hollaway and Rafe Judkins, stars Tom Holland (Nathan Drake) and Mark Wahlberg (Victor Sullivan) in the lead roles. Antonio Banderas is also in the cast of this adaptation, which, despite its promise to respect the very popular games from which it is inspired, ultimately does not live up to its model. Which will not prevent him from having a sequel, according to Wahlberg

Uncharted: a lazy adaptation of a brilliant video game series [critique]


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