The Club of Five by Nicolas Winding Refn: an exciting trailer

A new Hulu series, adapted from the famous literary saga.

Claude, François, Mick Annie and the dog Dagobert are back. George, Julian, Dick, Anne and Timmy (in original version) form The Club of Five (Or The Famous Five), in a brand new version of the famous literary saga created by Enid Blyton in the 1940s.

Nicolas Winding Refnthe sulphurous Danish director of Drive And Only God Forgives, thus launches into a totally different genre, that of the YA adventure, far from its usual universe. His latest series, Too Old to Die Young Or Copenhagen Cowboy did not really exude the spirit of “Pink Library”.


Whatever it is, it's good Nicolas Winding Refn who created, co-produced and co-directed this Club of Five for the Hulu platform, of which we are discovering today an exciting trailer (below), promising a careful series full of bizarre characters, in the vein of Baudelaire orphans.

“The series follows five daring young explorers as they encounter dangerous, action-packed adventures, remarkable mysteries, unprecedented dangers and astonishing secrets,” can we read in the synopsis. “George, Julian, Dick, Anne and their dog Timmy are young and intrepid. Everyone has their own personality. But once united, they become unstoppable. This charming series is designed as a summer adventure with kids in charge of their own treasure hunt.”

In the cast, Diaana Babnicova will be George, Elliott Rose will be Julian, Kit Rakusen will be Dick and Flora Jacoby Richardson will be Anne.

We will also find the unpayable villain of Game Of ThronesJack Gleeson as Wentworth.

Co-produced by the BBC, The Famous Five will be released on Hulu in the United States on May 31. This series The Club of Five should soon be visible in France here on Disney Plus (no date yet).


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