Kad Merad and Clovis Cornillac give lessons in Le Larbin [bande-annonce]

The new film by Alexandre Charlot and Franck Magnier (Les Têtes de l'emploi) will be released on July 17 in cinemas.

“Louis, a lazy young party animal, goes on a rampage and spends lavishly the fortune of his father, president of a luxury hotel group. Exasperated, the latter decides to teach his son a good lesson, with a revolutionary idea: to make him believe that he mysteriously landed three and a half centuries earlier, at the time of Louis XIV!”

Goodbye star-studded hotel rooms, cutting-edge technology and supercharged jet-setters; hello, straw mattresses, jute tunics and little people. This burlesque comedy, an assumed mixture of a little Back to the future and many Visitorssee Kad Merad And Clovis Cornillac take on the air ofEd Harrisan all-powerful director figure in the Truman Show of Peter Weir.

The Minion is headed by a tandem of directors-screenwriters, Alexandre Charlot And Franck Magnierto whom we already owe Imogene McCarthery, Billy and Buddy, Heads of employment and the mini-series Marianne (with Marilou Berry), broadcast on France 2.

For their fourth feature film, the two filmmakers brought together two big names in comedy comedy: Kad Merad, whose two screenwriters had already composed the role in Welcome to the Ch'tis And RTT ; and Clovis Cornillac, who owes them his characters in Maleficent and in Asterix at the Olympic Games.

Clovis Cornillac is currently playing inA little something extrawhich is a hit in France.

This is not the first time that the two actors have found themselves on the big screen: they already shared the poster of Protect and serveof Faubourg 36 And Mr. DadKad Merad's directorial debut.

This time, they will be surrounded byIsabelle Carréwhich we saw this year in And maybe moreand D'Audran Cattinrevealed by the TF1 series Red Braceletsand of which it will be the second feature film after The Ascensionof Ludovic Bernard and with Ahmed Sylla.

The Minion will be released in cinemas on July 17.

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