Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock in “Star Trek,” passionately says, “I definitely want to come back” | THE RIVER

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“Star Trek”The fourth installment in the series, the final chapter of the Kelvin timeline, is a project that has gone through many twists and turns over a long period of time. Steve Yockey, who wrote “The Flight Attendant,” was selected as the scriptwriter in March 2024, and the script is currently in development. Meanwhile, he played the role of Spock in the previous three films.Zachary Quintospoke about his thoughts on his return.

Quint told Variety: “The great thing about Star Trek is that it's an infinite universe. Look at the TV shows, the stories, the characters, the timelines. You can do anything. “That's the real appeal of the series, and the reason it's continued for 55 to 60 years,” he said passionately.“I'm positive about (returning). I would love to do it, I definitely want to do it.”

Quint last played the role of Spock in Star Trek Beyond (2016), so the 10-year mark will soon be in sight. However, Quinto expressed his continued enthusiasm, saying, “The original cast members continued to appear in movies for decades, even into their 50s and 60s.''

“The story may be different, and you may not be able to run that fast on other planets, but I think you can do anything.There is nothing more rewarding as an artist than being able to return to a piece of work after a period of time and develop a relationship with it from a completely different perspective or new perspective.I think so. ”

As Quint points out, the main cast of the original Star Trek (1966-1969), including William Shatner and the late Leonard Nimoy, have been appearing in movies and TV series for decades. and became a legend. In 2020, Quint said, “I have withdrawn from the expectations and belief that a movie version will happen again.[…]I have no intention of continuing to wait until it happens.'' However, he has already changed his mind. It seems like it is.

The release date for the fourth Star Trek movie (title undecided) has not yet been determined. Hopefully, as Quint hopes, filming will begin soon and the story of the Kelvin timeline will be completed.

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