The use of generative AI begins in Hollywood – James Cameron becomes director of a generative AI development company, “AI is the next wave'' | THE RIVER

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Hollywood radicals are about to start using generative AI in a big way. During the 2023 double strike between the Actors Guild and Writers Guild, one of the main focuses was on restricting the use of AI due to the threat theory, leading to lengthy negotiations, but in just one year, there are signs of movement toward the introduction of AI.

James Cameron has recently been appointed as a director of Stability AI, a company that has developed a generative AI model for text-to-image. Founded in 2019, this company has released a text image generation model “Stable Diffusion” that can also be used in Japanese, and has raised $80 million (approximately 11.5 billion yen) in early 2024. The company's CEO, Prem Akkaraj, previously served as CEO of WETA Digital, a company that handles visual effects for Hollywood movies.

Speaking of Cameron, he is one of the people who promoted technological innovation in the film industry, being one of the first to incorporate CGI special effects in “The Abyss'' (1989) and “Terminator 2'' (1991), and 3D imaging in “Avatar'' (2009). It is significant that Cameron is interested in generative AI technology.

“Throughout my career, I have sought to explore emerging technologies that push the boundaries of what is possible in order to tell incredible stories,” Cameron said in a statement. “Right now, the intersection of generative AI and CG images is the next wave,” he continued, adding that combining AI and CGI “gives artists a way to tell stories in new ways never imagined before.” It will be like that,” he commented.

Separately, Andy Serkis, who is one of the experts in motion capture technology such as the “Lord of the Rings” and “Planet of the Apes” series, has also focused on the potential of AI, and is developing a new project for his production company Imaginarium Production. Announced that the project will use AI characters. Just as the Internet, VFX, and even the motion capture technology that he pioneered were “misunderstood, demonized, and lumped together” when they were introduced, AI is “the new magic that people are afraid of.” Expressed. Serkis, who is also an actor, says that it is important to clarify the nature of rewards and copyrights related to AI, but says, “We need to obtain permission in order for artists to be able to monetize properly.'' talked about the importance of

With Cameron and Serkis, who together brought the visual revolution to Hollywood, embarking on the use of AI, subsequent movements are likely to become more active. Joe Russo, director of the “Avengers'' series, is also an executive at an AI-related company, and he predicted that AI would start generating movies as early as 2025, but he might not have been wrong. I don't know.

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