The Life of Chuck: Tom Hiddleston Had to Learn to Dance for Mike Flanagan

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In this adaptation of a Stephen King short story, the actor who plays Loki does his thing.

“Charles Krantz. 39 wonderful years! Thank you Chuck” It is with these words that the first visual of The Life of Chuck of Mike Flanagan staged Tom Hiddleston in a commercial. An image that is also found in the novel from which the film is adapted.

This is not the director's first attempt with Stephen King. He previously brilliantly adapted Doctor Sleepprequel to The Shiningreconciling fans of Stanley Kubrick's literary work and those of his cinematic work. So here he is back with The Life of Chuck, short story published in 2020 in the collection If it bleedsand who, as he confides to Vanity Fairmoved him so much that he had no choice but to make a feature film about it:

“At the end of my reading, I was in tears, elated and convinced that I had just read the best book ever [Stephen King] had been writing for a decade. (…) So I rushed to send him an email to tell him how much I loved this story, how incredible and meaningful and important it was, and how it would remain engraved in my heart. I told him: 'This is the film I want to make so that it exists in my children's world.'

Although the novelist had some suspicions, he ended up accepting and has no regrets. He confided to Vanity Fairthat the final result is “a happiness machine.” The story is that of Charles, this famous Chuck, of whom we know so little. While the world is on the point of no return, the plot goes back in time to reveal the childhood of this character. Far from the pure horror in which the author and the filmmaker have proven themselves, The Life of Chuck approaches the register of Stand by Me, The Shawshank Redemption or even The green line. The end of the world is used to evoke nostalgia, gratitude, and even joy. An original way of thinking about things:

“In a disaster movie, people are running from tidal waves, and this story shows people sitting quietly, holding hands, and looking at the stars.”

Around Tom Hiddleston, twirls, Mark Hamill, who plays Albie, Chuck's grandfather. The story being told as a countdown, he will be visible in the last segment of the film. In the words of the director, he will be great!

Vanity Fair / WME Independent / FilmNation Entertainment

Another original feature of this film: its musical number. A moment of happiness in Chuck's life while the world is falling apart. For the actor, this is a reminder to everyone to do what we want:

“Whether it’s music, dance, math, writing or creativity – do it. Do it now. These are the moments you’ll remember.”

A dance choreographed by none other than the one behind the numbers of La La Landpunctuated by Taylor Gordon's drums, and for which Tom Hiddleston had to learn every possible and imaginable dance style, all with a smile: “I was dancing on the hot Alabama concrete, and when we were done, you could see my socks through my shoes!”

Tom Hiddleston Had to Learn to Dance for The Life of Chuck
Vanity Fair / WME Independent / FilmNation Entertainment

The cast also includes Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave), Karen Gillian (Guardians of the Galaxy), Matthew Lillard (Scream) and Carl Lumbly (Alias) – all witnesses to the end of the world. The Life of Chuck is being presented at the Toronto International Film Festival which will be held from September 5 to 15, but no release date has yet been announced for France.

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