Sandrine Kiberlain becomes Sarah Bernhardt: the trailer for the biopic

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The story of “the Divine”, the first international star at the end of the 19th century, an adored actress and a passionate free woman.

She became a myth. A legend. But who was the real one? Sarah Bernhardt ? The French actress is known for being the biggest star of her time, spanning the 19th and 20th centuries. An actress considered one of the greatest tragedians of all time and often perceived as the very first international star, which is clearly highlighted in the trailer for her biopic (below).

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The director Guillaume Nicloux will try to go beyond the myth, to tell who Sarah Bernhardt was, a single mother in a society that did not really accept her and a free woman with many lovers, who lived a passion with her playmate Lucien Guitry – the father of Sacha Guitry – played here by Laurent Lafitte.

“1915, Sarah Bernhardt is the first world star. Free. Modern. Divine. Eccentric. Visionary… Between legend and fantasy, Sarah Bernhardt tells us the love story that marked her life” promises the synopsis.

Sandrine Kiberlain puts on Sarah Bernhard's period dresses, facing Laurent Lafitte And Amira Casar.

Sarah Bernhard, the Divinewill be released in theaters in France on December 18.


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