Kevin Bacon Tried Normal Life. Conclusion? “It Sucks”

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Strolling incognito through a Los Angeles shopping mall, the actor experienced life away from fame.

In the Hollywood inner circle, celebrities dressing up to escape the hordes of fans and paparazzi are commonplace. While sometimes the pastiche only lasts a few minutes, hiding their face under a mask or a holey bag, some take this game to heart. In 2014, Jack Black dressed up as a Stormtrooper to go incognito at Comic Con, which was a failure, unlike Daniel Radcliffe who was able to enjoy the event by going unnoticed under his Spider-Man costume. For Kevin Baconthe experience of being nobody for a quarter of a moment was not so rosy.

Star of two feature films currently showing: Maxxine, Ti West's new horror film, already released in the United States, and Beverly Hills Cop 4released on Netflix this Wednesday, Kevin Bacon looked back on his career during an interview for the magazine Vanity Fair.

If he is not the most fashionable actor in Hollywood, the one who climbed the ladder of fame thanks to Footloose remains nonetheless a comedian that we all know, not escaping the springs of what this implies. Taken by a sudden whim, the latter explained how he was able to achieve his experience of normal life:

“I'm not going to complain, but I have a pretty recognizable face. Wearing a hat and sunglasses is only going to work to a certain extent. So I went to a special effects artist and had him make me a prosthetic.”

Wearing fake teeth, a fake nose and glasses, the actor was able to test his disguise in one of the huge shopping malls in Los Angeles. The result was far beyond what he could have imagined. Unrecognizable, no one paid him any attention. Kevin Bacon ignored? Hard to swallow.

“People were walking past me, pushing me. No one was saying: 'I love you'. I had to wait and queue to buy, I don't know, a coffee or something.”

He added honestly: “I thought : 'This sucks. I want to be famous again.'

A child star on a smaller scale, Kevin Bacon testified in this interview that he wanted to become even more famous than his father, already well-known in Philadelphia and its surroundings as a distinguished architect, hailed and recognized in the street. A challenge taken up with flying colors for someone whose filmography includes: JFK, Apollo 13 And Mystic River.

In Maxxinethe actor puts himself in the shoes of a strange private detective hired to find the young woman. Like Jaime Lee Curtis, Brooke Shields and John Travolta, actors mentioned in the film by the one who wants to be the next star of horror cinema, Kevin Bacon began his career in this genre by playing in 1980 in Friday 13 – cult slasher film.

Paramount Pictures/Warner Bros

Forty years later, he returned to horror cinema in Maxxinewhich is scheduled for release on July 31 in France.


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