Is there a Joaquin Phoenix problem in Hollywood?

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While he is about to explode the box office with Joker 2, the actor is nevertheless seriously annoying the industry, which criticizes him for his propensity to crash productions for one reason or another.

The end of the Phoenix effect? ​​He is undoubtedly one of the most prominent actors of the 21st century in Hollywood. Four times nominated for an Oscar in the first two decades, Joaquin Phoenix is the chameleon actor par excellence, capable of playing both the Roman Emperor (in Gladiator) that the country singer (in Walk the Line) that the sex guru (in The Master) or the lost lover (in HERHis raw performances have made him a public darling, as popular with great filmmakers as he is able to bring them together at the box office.

Yes, but for several months now, the industry seems tired of the moods of Joaquin Phoenix. Especially since he crashes projects overnight, leaving a director, his casting colleagues and all the technicians in the lurch. This is what happened at the beginning of the summer of 2024, when the little brother of the late River slammed the door on the new film of Todd Haynes. A gay romance set in the 1930s, billed as “sexually explicit“, which would have finally done”fear” has Joaquin Phoenix… 5 days before the start of filming! Without giving (officially) a reason, he finally chose not to make the film, which he himself had presented to Todd Haynes. Producer Christine Vachon Killer Films spoke of a “nightmare“for the whole team, as the project was advanced, the budget validated, the sets built. Even part of the technical team was already in Mexico…


Refusing to publicly justify himself, the 49-year-old actor only hinted at the Venice Film Festival that a creative disagreement had prompted him to leave: “I think if I talk about it, I would just be sharing my opinion, my point of view. But other creatives are not there to give their version. I don't see how that would be useful. So no, I won't talk about it.”

Above all, Joaquin Phoenix is defending himself because a lawsuit is not out of the question. An article in the Hollywood Reporter recently shared the black anger of the Hollywood production community, furious at the star's behavior. His defection has sparked ““a huge indignation” in the industry, writes the trade publication. “And the rumblings have grown louder within the production community for legal action to be taken against Phoenix, with some pointing out that throughout Hollywood history, actors have been held accountable.”. The idea of ​​”blacklistJoaquin Phoenix would even be on the table, although it seems unlikely at present, knowing that Joker 2 will likely bring in another billion at the box office.

Napoleon Ridley Scott Joaquin Phoenix
YouTube Capture Sony Pictures

Nevertheless, Joaquin Phoenix has clearly lost some of its luster. His performance in Joker: Madness for Two did not return the press, during the Mostra. Some critics pointing the finger at a performance “exhausted“. Already, his uninspired incarnation of Napoleonin the great historical fresco of Ridley Scotthad left him perplexed.

Especially since he had already almost left the production, a few hours before the start of filming. To stay in the costume of the French Emperor, Joaquin Phoenix reportedly demanded that Paul Thomas Anderson step in to help rewrite the film (according to THR). Anderson isn't credited as a screenwriter in the final credits, so it's unclear if PTA actually contributed. But Phoenix has a reputation as a star who can walk away if he doesn't like something.

Like when he planted M. Night Shyamalan For SplitThe filmmaker had to find his actor from Signs (2002) and The Village (2004). But it had to be replaced “at the drop of a hat” by James McAvoy : “I think he abandoned the film about two weeks before shooting began.” his replacement recalls today, on the Happy Sad Confused podcast. “It was really last minute. I only had a few weeks to prepare. Two weeks, actually.James McAvoy concludes despite everything by emphasizing: “He's a great actor. He would have delivered a different performance than I did, no doubt, but it would have been incredible!”

After Joker 2we will find Joaquin Phoenix In Eddingtonan offbeat western signed Ari Asterwho cast him in his last major role, Beau is afraid (in 2023). And this time, we are certain that he will do it since Eddington was filmed last spring.


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