Introducing Not Pixel: How to Play Notcoin's New Game and Earn $PX Tokens

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Introducing Not Pixel with the Ultimate Guide on How to Play the New Game Notcoin and Earn $PX Tokens, All in This Article.

The new game Not Pixel is a project from Not Coin. The game is presented in the form of a Telegram bot, which allows you to earn points by participating in various activities. In this game, you have to create an eternal work of art by coloring pixels on the game board. In this article, we will discuss how to play Not Pixel and its various parts. Stay with us until the end!

What is Not Pixel Bot?

Not Pixel is a Telegram game designed and launched by the Not Coin development team. The game operates as a mini-app within Telegram. The goal of the game is to create a digital canvas where users can color each pixel to their liking and come up with various designs.

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What makes Not Pixel so interesting and different is that the game must be completed collaboratively. Users can work together to create a collective work. The number of like-minded users and the ability to create a comprehensive map with the help of others can be the most significant differentiator in this game.

The beta phase of the game was launched a few weeks ago. Now, the official and main version has started, and user activity is being monitored seriously. In the next section, we will discuss the various components of Not Pixel.

Not Pixel Gameplay

Not Pixel game has many unique features and parts. In this bot, you can earn points by utilizing various parts and create the design you want by working with others. In this section, we will explore the various parts of the Not Pixel game.

Home page

The main page of the Not Pixel bot is a large white canvas where users can color each pixel. The canvas is designed as a 1000 x 1000 pixel grid, and each pixel can be colored by the user.

Home page


In this section, the user can select the desired color and color the selected pixels. To color a pixel, simply click on the desired pixel and select the desired color.


Pixel Information

By clicking the “Info” button, users can view information about each pixel. This information includes the last user who colored the pixel and its current owner.

Pixel Information


In this section, users can complete various tasks to increase their points. These tasks include inviting friends, following Not Pixel social media pages, and completing other activities.



Boost is a tool that helps users increase the speed of earning points. This boost can be obtained by completing certain tasks or making purchases in the game store.



On the shop page, users can purchase various items that help them in the game. These items include boosts, extra energy, and special tools for faster and more precise coloring. These items can be purchased using star tokens.



In this section, users can see their ranking among other players. This ranking is calculated based on the number of colored pixels and points earned.

Top users can receive special prizes. In addition, this section shows the squad or team you are part of, allowing you to see their rankings as well. Users can also change their squad by visiting Notgames.


If any issues or questions arise, users can take advantage of the support section. This section includes various guides, frequently asked questions, and options to contact the Not Pixel support team.

PX Token: Not Pixel's Native Cryptocurrency

So far, the Not Pixel game has not introduced any specific tokens. Payments for upgrading user abilities are made through Telegram stars. Some sources have mentioned the PX token as the project's token, but this is not final. Others believe that Not Coin will serve as the main currency for the game and for the project's airdrops.

Airdrop Dates and List

The game is still in its early stages. The Telegram bot just launched its main phase today and has not released any specific information regarding the airdrop.

Therefore, the Not Pixel airdrop date, token distribution method, point acquisition, and other related details have not been fully determined.

How to Earn More $PX?

To succeed in the Not Pixel game, it is important to pay attention to some important points. The game has a unique performance system, and you must operate it carefully. Here are some key tips for playing Not Pixel:

1. Have a Plan

One of the most important tips for success in Not Pixel bot is proper planning and energy management. Try to use your energy wisely and use boosts to increase your coloring speed.

2. Collaborate with Others

If you are familiar with board games, you may know about cooperative games where players pursue a common goal to achieve victory and share the competition. Not Pixel is also a collaborative game, and working with other users can help you achieve your goals faster. Team up with your friends and color more pixels together.

3. Look for Opportunities

Throughout the game, there will be special opportunities such as special events and challenges that will allow you to earn more points. Don't miss these opportunities and try to participate in all of them.

4. Wait for the Update

The Not Pixel development team regularly provides updates for this game, which include new features and various improvements. Always keep yourself updated with the latest features to take advantage of the latest opportunities.


Bot Not Pixel is an engaging and collaborative game that allows users to earn special points by coloring pixels and completing various tasks.

With this guide, you can easily navigate the game and take advantage of its features. I hope this complete tutorial helps you enjoy your Not Pixel gaming experience.

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