What if we started again from Marshmallow and Lilypad's point of view?
Kids… What if Ted Mosby was no longer the narrator of How I met your mother. The actress Alyson Hannigan has an idea to revive the famous saga: make Marshall – so Jason Segel – the center of the series, instead of Ted, played by Josh Radnor. In an interview with People, she explains:
“The idea is basically to say up front, 'No, no, no, kids! That's not how it happened!' And then Marshal would start the new story: 'We were much older, first of all…' And then he would just have to remake the show. Everybody could tell the story differently.”
A strange pitch, which would suggest replaying the key sequences of the nine seasons, from a different angle, with the same cast, but aged 40 and over? Needless to say, it has no chance of happening.
In How I met your fatherrecently cancelled, Kim Catrall took the role of the narrator. Neil Patrick Harris And Cobie Smulders made an appearance there. But not Alyson Hanniganwho didn't even look: “I just couldn't. It made me sad basically. Because it was more or less the same scenery…”