Harry Potter students say goodbye to Maggie Smith and Professor McGonagall

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Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and even JK Rowling paid tribute to the memory of the actress who died this week.

They grew up with her. So obviously, the death of Maggie Smith shocked all the students at Hogwarts and the cast of the Harry Potter films. The interpreter of Professor Minerva McGonagall died yesterday at the age of 89. And Daniel Radcliffe wanted to give back to the woman with whom he shared the poster for eight films:

“The first time I met Maggie Smith, I was 9 years old and we were reading scenes from the play 'David Copperfield,' which was my first job. I knew next to nothing about her, other than that my parents were amazed at the idea of ​​me working with her” confides the English actor in a press release. “LAnother thing I knew about her was that she was a Lady. So the first thing I asked her when we met was, “Would you like me to call you Dame Maggie?” ” To which she laughed and said something like “Don’t be ridiculous!” » I remember being nervous to meet her but she immediately put me at ease. She was incredibly kind to me on that set, and I then had the chance to continue working with her for 10 years on the Harry Potter films. She was a fierce intellectual, gloriously sharp-tongued. She could intimidate and charm at the same time and was, as anyone will tell you, extremely funny.”

For his part, Emma Watsonaka Hermione Granger, posted an Instagram story reminiscing about her younger years with Maggie Smith :

“I had no idea what a legend Maggie was – this woman whose space I was lucky enough to share. It wasn't until I became an adult that I realized Maggie's greatness. She was sincere, honest, funny.”

Instagram Capture

The third thief, Rupert Grintaka Ron Weasley, also posted this message, “heartbroken“, in which he confides why Maggie Smith wast”so special, always hilarious and always kind. I feel incredibly lucky to have shared these shoots with her and especially lucky to have shared a dance with her” he admits with a nod to that famous ball scene in The Goblet of Fire.

Other former students of McGonagall also reacted. As Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan), “very saddened” and who tells “the Most intimidating person I have ever met, but once I got through to it, she was the kindest, most caring, loving Lady“. Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) also talks about her “favorite scene” with Maggie Smithwhen we were all learning to dance for the Christmas ball. She embodied that perfect balance of sass and loving care that McGonagall possesses.”

Ultimately, even the creator of Hogwarts, the writer Rowlingposted his little farewell message to Maggie Smithwhich will forever remain associated with the world of Harry Potter :


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