Guardians of the Galaxy: Why does Baby Groot stop dancing when Drax looks at him?

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James Gunn deciphers the cult scene from his blockbuster.

On the occasion of the rebroadcast of Guardians of the Galaxy on TMC, a look back at one of his most iconic sequences: his finale with baby Groot.

Ostalgic, James Gunn and Chris Pratt celebrate the 10th anniversary of Guardians of the Galaxy

News from March 16, 2015: The director of the Guardians of the Galaxy returned to the end scene of his blockbuster during a podcast of Doug Loves Movies. James Gunn admits that while the scene is funny, it doesn't actually refer to anything: why does Baby Groot suddenly start dancing when he's been stoic up until now? “If you really want to know, we had planned another dance sequence for Groot, on the song “It's A Living Thing”by ELO, but it didn't work. He had to waddle awkwardly and Drax (Dave Bautista) should give him a look that said: 'You really look like a loser!' (laughs)“.

In fact, no one ever really dies in Marvel movies.

The crew cut the scene, but still kept the idea of ​​having Groot dance, while he is pushing back, at the very end of the film, this time to the tune of “I Want You Back” of the Jackson 5. By keeping Drax because “He doesn't understand anything about dancing. If he were mayor of a city, his first law would be to forbid his citizens from dancing! It made us laugh to see baby Groot having fun while knowing that there was this killer in the background. He dances, he stops as soon as he feels someone looking at him so as not to get disemboweled, then he resumes his movements.

The sequence amused the spectators. James Gunn previously explained that he himself danced in front of the film's animators, so that they could record his movements to make the mini Groot waddle. And the character became so popular that he was made into a toy, before being allowed to his own animated series on Disney+.

Guardians of the Galaxy: “Groot is dead. Baby Groot is his son.”


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