Follow, the surprise thriller of the summer to watch on France 2 (review)

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After having shone online on, this crime series in the era of social networks amazes with its assumed “Fincherian” atmosphere and a young, sunny heroine. Small budget, big success.

Six episodes filmed in 35 days, at a particularly intense pace. Follow is not a mega-budget platform series. A far cry from the dollars of Lord of the Ringsthis original commission for 13th Street (where the series was initially broadcast) had to make do with the means at hand. An optimized writing that allowed the little thriller to have great ambitions. To the point of seducing the jury of the La Rochelle Fiction Festival, which crowned it “Best 52-minute series” (in 2023). Its most prestigious award.

Follow has therefore the honors of the prime time in clear of France 2 (the complete 6 episodes in a row) after having met with a nice success online, on, during the summer. The story is that of Léna, community manager in alternation in the communication department of the Paris police prefecture. An institution not quite in phase with social networks. So when a serial killer of influencers starts playing with Insta' and co, the investigators accept as best they can the help of the young specialist…

Good Pick Story

The atmosphere is gray. The sky is dark. A cold and disturbing light covers the decor. It is a gloomy Paris that is filmed Louis Fargethe director, inspired by the cinema of David Fincher (Zodiac) and by The Silence of the Lambs. “The idea was obviously to pay tribute to them without plagiarizing them,” the producer and co-creator tells us Victory of Aboville.

Without a budget, he manages to create a strange atmosphere, as chilling as it is ordinary. He films the capital from multiple angles, in its streets, its subways and even in the catacombs, and follows the trail of an amateur investigator. Not a cop. Just a young woman whom the camera seems to track, always leaving a doubt about her guilt. Mary Columbusalready amazing in the true crime series Laetitiahas wonderfully captured the dense texts of a character to whom she brings a form of strange normality.

She takes us by the hand in this game of false leads and revelations which is never in vain. Follow has given itself a clear mission: to denounce the drift of social networks.I have a great apprehension about social networks. I deeply believe that they do not do good to society, by encouraging a Manichean view, a Manichean thought. This development of narcissism where everyone is encouraged to put themselves forward at every stage of the day can also easily attract “followers” who are not always well-intentioned. Through this series, I wanted to show to what extent social networks can put each of us in danger.r” decrypts Victory of Aboville. Mission accomplished.

Follow, 6 episodes, to watch on France 2 tonight and again on until 01/31/2025.


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