Donald Trump “big fan” of Air Force One: Harrison Ford’s scathing response

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If the candidate for the American presidential election is a big fan of Wolfgang Petersen's action film, the actor seems much less cheerful by the comparison, as he was able to make known on the air of the show Australian 10 Studio.

At the end of 2015, Donald Trump topped the opinion polls in the American primary with flashy declarations, while being in the crosshairs of many Hollywood celebrities. Rebelote nine years later, at a time when the politician is running again, against Kamala Harris.

On December 10, 2015, Harrison Fordfamous for his outspokenness, loudly proclaimed his hostility to the businessman during an interview with the Australian show 10 Studio. Comments made shortly after a statement by Donald Trump comparing himself to one of his popular roles: that of the American president in the midst of a crisis in Air Force Oneof Wolfgang Petersen (1997).

We are sharing this shocking interview again when W9 reschedules this film, at 9:10 p.m.

It all started with an interview given by Trump to New York Times early December of that same election year. The real estate magnate expressed his admiration for Harrison Fordand more specifically for his role as President James Marshall in Air Force Onea film in which we see him personally getting rid of Kazakh air pirates, all in his very personal style:

My favorite movie is the one with Harrison Ford on the plane. I love Harrison Ford, and not just because I rent properties from him. He knew how to stand up for America“.

A compliment that the interpreter of Han Solo barely appreciated, who was then in full promotion of Star Wars 7and who did not hesitate to respond to the billionaire:

The much-loved Donald Trump? Who wants to become a resident of the United States? Oh, president? I understood resident. It's a movie! So not only does he want to live here but he also wants to run the circus. Donald, it was a movie. It doesn't happen like that in real life… But after all, how could you know?

The Apprentice, with Sebastian Stan: the origin story of Donald Trump [critique]


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