Among the long-running “Fast and Furious'' series, “Fast and Furious X3 TOKYO DRIFT'' (2006), which is considered a kind of heretical work, has been gaining momentum for re-evaluation in recent years. Even Christopher Nolan praised it highly. Chris Morgan, who wrote the screenplay, has responded to the story.
TOKYO DRIFT, the third installment in the series, moves the setting to the streets of Tokyo and depicts the growth of the unique protagonist, Sean Boswell (Lucas Black). Brian O'Connor (Paul Walker) and Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), the main characters from the previous two films, do not appear, but Han (Sung Kang), who made his debut in this film, became a popular character.
“TOKYO DRIFT'' was not well-received when it was released, but it recently became a hot topic after Christopher Nolan named it his favorite and recommended, “If you're going to watch it alone, start watching “TOKYO DRIFT.'' . “Of course I was surprised,'' screenwriter Chris Morgan told The Hollywood Reporter. “I can't believe that he, literally the greatest filmmaker in human history, would like my film.”
Morgan, who has started talking with Nolan about “Wispi'' since this incident, recalled his memories of “TOKYO DRIFT.'' Nowadays, a sequel to this series is eagerly awaited, but at the time of “TOKYO DRIFT,'' the production of the fourth installment, “Fast and Furious MAX'' (2009), had not yet been decided.
Looking back on “TOKYO DRIFT,'' Morgan said, “When it was released, the reviews weren't very good.People didn't like it.What everyone wanted was Vin[Diesel]and Paul[Walker].'' , reveals the real intention behind adding a scene in which Vin Diesel makes a cameo appearance at the end of the movie.
“The reason why we included the extra scene where Vin appears at the end of TOKYO DRIFT was to suggest that we might be able to do another movie with them. We wanted them to appear again sooner. However, I was still at the stage where I was hoping that “Wispi 4'' would be possible.
And when the movie was released, it did reasonably well. But all the critics and fans were like, “Seriously, Vin and Paul are coming back.'' Thanks to that, I was able to survive. ”
In fact, records show that the reaction to Vin's cameo at preview screenings was so enthusiastic that Universal gained confidence in continuing the series with the original cast.
By the way, Chris Morgan's most recent work is “Red One,'' starring Dwayne Johnson, who is also a member of the “Wispy'' cast. Johnson's character's name in this movie is “Column Drift,'' but he doesn't seem to have taken the name from “TOKYO DRIFT.''
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Source:The Hollywood Reporter