Democrats Demand Diversity Above All Else, But It's Our Fault If We Notice It

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Every day, the mainstream media publishes a headline that says, “Republicans Pounce, Republicans Seize.” Or they change the headline to, “Republicans Charge.” And invariably, what Republicans pounce on or seize on is something Democrats actually do. For example, the New York Times ran a glowing article this week titled, “Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Speed ​​in Years.” The headline adds, “New Citizens Say They Can’t Wait to Vote in November.” You don’t say that.

The article brags about how many new immigrants they’re putting through the system and how many of them are going to vote. That’s on top of all the illegals they’re letting in every day, of course. That’s how Democrat-controlled states gained seats in Congress, while President Trump tried to stop that by forcing the census to ban all noncitizens from participating in the apportionment. But one of Biden’s first moves was to reverse that policy while opening the border to millions of illegals. The goal? To increase the number of electoral votes states have in elections, because those votes are based on the number of residents determined by the census.

Close-up of the button with the text “Census”

Close-up of the button with the text “Census”

So by including illegals, a state can gain extra votes in Congress. No wonder liberals who worry about gentrification want more open borders. God forbid an urban neighborhood has a Whole Foods, but MS13 sets up shop around the corner? Those are just extra votes. But back to the Times article, where one pundit notes: “The increasing efficiency of naturalization is potentially reshaping the electorate, months before a crucial election. Every application for citizenship could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency.” For Democrats, of course.


Since new citizens tend to be Democrats rather than Republicans. And I get it. Why not vote for the people who promise you free stuff? And after one or two elections, when these new citizens realize that Democrats suck, there will already be a new wave of naive voters coming in. Democrats can't win if everyone knows better, so they have to keep injecting new rednecks to exploit. They're playing chess. Why? Republicans are playing with themselves. But we'll see how Democrats do what they openly brag about.

They call you a bigot for noticing this replacement theory. They don’t call it replacing, they call it reshaping. Democrats do it a lot. It’s never their fault if they cheat. It’s your fault if you notice. Just yesterday, Politico ran the headline “Trump set to tie Harris to Biden on economy: They’re a team.” You see, we’re supposed to forget that Joe and Kamala ever met, much less that they became the worst duo since toothpaste and orange juice. But how dare you assume that they’re a team just because they’ve billed themselves as Team Biden-Harris? And Kamala said she was Team Joe until last month. And Joe said, tell Kamala Harris, my teammate, that I love her, as he bit into his feeding tube and drifted off to purgatory. But that's just Trump lying again.


If Trump looked up and said the sky was blue, they’d say, not at night, you liar. Before the debate, Kamala was the dead weight. And now that Joe is the anchor pulling her down, Democrats are desperately sawing at that chain. And what about this? In 2020, Democrats demanded that Joe pick a black woman as his running mate. No other demographic would do that. No white women. No men, not even drag queens. Sorry, Liz Cheney. So he picked the woman who called him a racist for opposing school busing, never guessing that one day she would throw him under a bus. And now they’re screaming when you point out that, yes, Kamala was hired by DEI.

Vice President Kamala Harris Speaks

Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a campaign rally Saturday, Aug. 10, in Las Vegas. (AP/Julia Nikhinson)

See, Democrats demand diversity above all else. But it's your fault for noticing. And finally, what about a prisoner who gets himself admitted to a women's prison where he rapes everyone? Is it his fault? Her fault? Their fault? Theirs?


No, you have to notice. You see, Democrats pass policies that, when exposed, make them look bad. So they call you a racist. The fact is, if they could pass a law that would throw you in jail every time you noticed their bullshit, they would do it tomorrow.


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