Deauville Festival 2024 to pay tribute to James Gray

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The director of Little Odessa, We Own the Night and Armageddon Time will give a masterclass for the occasion.

Deauville 2024, it's getting clearer. We learned last week that Benoît Magimel was to be president of the jury for this edition of the American Film Festival, which is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year.. And the Festival has just announced an exceptional American guest: the director James Gray.

No need to go on and on about the importance of Gray, the obvious power of his near-perfect filmography, Little Odessahis first film, which won the International Critics' Prize in Deauville in 1994, to the antibiotic Armageddon Time in 2022. Is there an American filmmaker as complete, as American, apart from Scorsese? No need to go on and on about it, yes.


“James Gray has always chosen to follow a life of freedom and creation”the Festival said in a press release. To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Little Odessawith Tim Roth and Edward Furlong, the Festival will welcome the filmmaker “for an exceptional conversation” while we will be able to see his entire filmography on the big screen.

On this occasion, we will be able to ask him about his film projects. We were talking about him in 2022 to shoot Mayday 109the story of John Fitzgerald Kennedy's youth during the war, but he is above all preparing a Netflix series on the writer Norman Mailer.


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