Audrey Lamy is In Flip-Flops at the Foot of the Himalayas: Trailer

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The story of a struggling mother and her young autistic boy.

After co-signing Simply black alongside Jean-Pascal Zadi, the director John Wax signs his first solo feature film with In flip-flops at the foot of the Himalayas. This dramatic comedy carried by Audrey Lamy will be presented in competition at the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival, which runs from August 27 to September 1.

A long synopsis details this story about a single mother facing an enormous challenge:

Pauline is the mother of Andréa, 6 and a half years old, a wonderful little boy who was diagnosed with ASD: an “autism spectrum disorder”.

He is not really at the right level but he is still in school and is getting ready to start the final year of nursery school.

For Pauline, without a fixed income and recently separated from Fabrice, Andréa's father, everything seems to combine to make her life a succession of failures.

But for Andrea, this is a crucial year that will determine whether or not he can stay in school and thus have a better chance of seeing his condition improve.

But for this, Andréa needs stability and for Pauline, providing it to her is a bit (a lot) like climbing the Himalayas in flip-flops…

Eden Lopes, Nicolas Chupin of the Comédie Française, Naidra Ayadi, Benjamin Tranié and Jean-Charles Clichet complete the cast of the film. In flip-flops at the foot of the Himalayas will be released in theaters on November 13th. Trailer:


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