The spin-off series led by Kelly Reilly and Cole Hauser is confirmed by Paramount.
This weekend, the ranch of Yellowstone closes its doors. The last episode of season 5, announced as the last, will be broadcast on Paramount +. Nothing says that the streamer won't change its mind and decide to order a season 6…
In the meantime, the saga Yellowstone will indeed continue, in a slightly different form. A new spin-off series centered on Beth and Rip has just been validated by Paramount. A spin-off in the form of a sequel, whose stars will be Kelly Reilly And Cole Hauseannounces Variety.
Will it actually be season 6 of Yellowstone or a season 6 which does not say its name, disguised as a spin-off, to better turn the page Kevin Costner ? For the moment, it is not very clear and we imagine that within the studio, the executives are racking their brains to find the best way to continue to lay the goose that lays the golden eggs of Taylor Sheridan. In any case, the idea – raised for months – that Kelly Reilly And Cole Hause will continue Yellowstone beyond season 5 is now confirmed.
Until then, the producer Christina Alexandra Voros promises that this weekend's finale (whether of the series or of the season) will close the chapter initiated by Kevin Costner in 2018: “I think this last burst of episodes brings us to the end of an era. I can't go into too much detail, but Taylor [Sheridan] managed – and I'm not sure how he managed it – to put an end to it in a way that was both shocking and fatal. You will have to reach the end of the story to fully understand everything that happened before..”