The third installment of James Cameron's huge series “Avatar'' has finally begun. It has been announced that the latest film “Avatar: Fire and Ash'' will be released simultaneously in Japan and the United States on December 19, 2025. The Japanese version of the logo and concept art have been delivered.
“Avatar,” released in 2009, depicts a battle against humans plotting to invade Pandora, set in the forest of the beautiful “mysterious planet Pandora,” and “Avatar: Way of Water,” released in 2022, depicts the sea. A story about confronting a threat was depicted on stage. As you can imagine from the title and logo image, the latest work, Avatar: Fire and Ash, seems to have a fire theme.
Concept art has also been released. When Navi looks at a beautiful sunset on Pandora that shows a balloon-like vehicle floating in the sky, the balloon part is shaped like a jellyfish. In addition, a photo of the gorgeous ocean floating at night shows the giant sea creatures that appeared in the previous work, gathered together.
Additionally, flying creatures that carry Na'vi warriors appear throughout the series. Creatures with visual differences from the first film's blue bird Banshee, red bird Torque, and the sea-crossing Skimwing that appeared in the second film have also been released. What is the true identity of the warrior who rides it?
There is also a photo of a village that seems to be part of the new Na'vi tribe that will appear in this game. Although the identity of the Na'vi captured by the tribe has not been revealed, the braided hairstyle that symbolizes the main character, Jake, seems to be a part of the photo, giving off a somewhat disturbing feeling.
When “Avatar'' was released, James Cameron developed his own innovative 3D camera, which achieved amazing quality. “Avatar: Way of Water'', which director Cameron has poured his heart and soul into over the past 13 years, has finally been released.The movie features smooth images with a resolution and high frame rate that far exceed those of the previous work. The unrealistic beauty of the ocean, depicted in what is said to be the best visual quality in history, was projected onto the theater screen, creating the ultimate immersive experience.
In 2025, what dimension will the master who continues to reign at the top of the movie world take us with the third film in the series, “Avatar: Fire and Ash”? “Avatar: Fire and Ash” will be released in Japan on December 19, 2025.
▼ “Avatar: Fire and Ash” article
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