Countdown to Main Token Listing Begins in 2 Days: Task Rewards Halved

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Countdown to Main Token Listing Starts in 2 Days. Major Announces that Task Rewards are Split in Two.

Major's official Telegram channel has announced significant upcoming changes to its bot, including a countdown to the MAJOR token listing starting October 1.

Countdown to Main Token Listing Starts in 2 Days

Here are the Big Announcements on Telegram:

October is going to be hot — listings are coming soon

Hey Majors, the time for change has come! We told you to actively increase your Rank, right? We did. It's not too late to start, but here's a list of upcoming changes:

1. Task rewards reduced by 50%

2. Starting from October 1st, mining will decrease every day

3. Inactive players' rankings will rise

4. Bots will break

5. Stay away from the game for too long, and your ranking will rise drastically

Long story short, the countdown for the listing starts on October 1st. So, be super active and complete those tasks every day to earn our future tokens!

According to the announcement, the task rewards for the game will soon be halved. Starting October 1, the user's reward accumulation rate will decrease every day. Additionally, the team plans to burn points for inactive players and suspend the accounts of users who have not actively engaged with the bot.

The Major Team emphasizes that it is not too late to start participating in the game, as the countdown to the listing of MAJOR tokens will begin on October 1. Players are encouraged to make the most of the remaining time to maximize their rewards before the change. influential.

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