The Final Terrifying Trailer for MotherLand, Starring Halle Berry

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Alexandre Aja's new film, somewhere between B-movie and post-apocalyptic, will be available in theaters this week.

After a Netflix interlude, Alexandre Aja finds its way back to the dark rooms with Mother Land which will be released on September 25th. If Crawlfive years ago, had been a mixed success, Oxygenher film stamped platform with Mélanie Laurent, rather misunderstood, her new feature film arrives with other ambitions. Carried by Halle Berrythe B-movie horror series tells the story of a mother and her two sons confined in a house in the middle of the forest, plagued by attacks from mysterious monstrous humans.

In the new trailer, we find the universe of Alexandre Aja who had left his mark thanks to The Hills Have Eyes: the impression of seeing a horror film unfold before us without too many means or sensational special effects. Devious, the pitch of a post-apocalyptic approach with a survival sauce is centered on a family, forced to stay in this house under penalty of death. The mother, Halle Berry orders her two children to rope up as soon as they go outside, and this to escape creatures. We also see her ask them to recite a sort of invocation – which looks very much like a plea – supposed to protect them. If there are indeed monsters outside, we wonder about the usefulness of the rope and that of the house, the last haven of peace in this desolate world. We understand that the rope to which they must cling serves as a metaphor: does she want to keep them for herself and not cut… the cord?

A true survival film, Mother Land will be released on September 25th and here is its trailer:


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