Good Doctor begins its final season: “It's a strange feeling”

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How did the cast experience the conclusion of the medical series? We asked Fiona Gubelmann (Dr. Reznick) and Will Yun Lee (Dr. Park).

A few months after its broadcast in the United States, the final season of Good Doctor begins tonight on TF1. A final season in ten episodes, during which each character will be able to say their goodbyes as they should. Warning, emotional moments in perspective. And for the cast too, leaving behind the Saint Bonaventure Hospital in San José was no easy feat. Met at the Monte-Carlo festival this summer, Fiona Gubelmann – who has played Dr. Morgan Reznick since season 2 and Will Yun Lee – who plays Dr Alex Park – tell us how they experienced the end of Good Doctor.


You finished filming last spring. How do you feel a few months later?

Fiona Gubelmann : It's not quite real to me yet. I always feel like we're on summer break and we're going to start shooting again tomorrow. But no. We're not going back and that's what's weird…
Will Yun Lee : It's a funny feeling. Because we don't see each other every day anymore.

How did you experience your last day on set?

Will Yun Lee : The last day of filming felt like “Graduation Day”. Like the day of graduation at the end of a long cycle of studies. Everyone showed up on set. The producers, studio executives, people we didn't usually see. Even some of the old guys from the first seasons wanted to be there! It was really a beautiful moment. We got to say goodbye to everyone.

Fiona Gubelmann : My family came with me that day. There were so many people in that studio, it was crazy. I cried all day.

Good Doctor Season Finale

What will you miss the most?

Will Yun Lee : It will be the same answer for all of us: it's the people. We became very close, working together for 7 years side by side. We went through the pandemic together. We got through it together. Our children grew up together. Fiona became a real friend for example. So it's not easy to say goodbye to this whole team.
Fiona Gubelmann : But we're still going to be part of each other's lives. I had dinner with Freddie Highmore (Shaun) in London a few weeks ago. Before that, I saw Chuku Modu (Jared) and Paige Sparra (Lea) in Vancouver just before. Now, I spent my summer at Nicholas Gonzalez's (Melendez) in Los Angeles… Anyway, we're going to keep seeing each other.

Are you afraid of what's next after spending so much time on a series?

Fiona Gubelmann : Yes, it's a bit dizzying. We're leaving a certain comfort zone, with this job that lasted 7 years. Because the industry is very changeable and tomorrow, I could be asked to go and shoot anywhere in the world. Except that when you have a family, you don't necessarily want to spend 10 months in the Virgin Islands on a set (laughs)… Now, it's also exciting to be able to do other things. I really want to go back to comedy. I loved doing Wilfred and I would love to do comedy again.


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