Outer Banks: First trailer for season 4 reveals dates

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The Pogues' return will be in two parts.

As usual, now, with its big series, Netflix has cut season 4 of Outer Banks in two parts. With the first teaser, the platform revealed the launch date: part 4 of season 4 will arrive on October 10 and part 2 on November 7.


The short video doesn't tell much about the story itself, but shows John B. worried because now he has “everything to lose “Gold, love, fun…”The story should have ended there”he confesses in the video. A total happy ending for Outer Banks…which season 4 will challenge. So what will happen?

We remember that the Pogues were launched on the trail of Blackbeard's treasure, by a mysterious stranger. Netflix reveals a synopsis which reveals to us that the plot will resume in the wake of the 18-month time jump shown in the epilogue of the season 3 finale.

In this flash-forward, we saw “Wes Genrette's offer to the Pogues: find Blackbeard's treasure. Season 4 will flashback a bit, showing what led up to that moment. After finding the gold in El Dorado, the Pogues return to OBX and commit to living “normal” lives. They've built themselves a new haven, officially dubbed “Poguelandia 2.0,” where they live together and run a fairly successful bait, tackle, and tourism business. But after some financial setbacks, John B, Sarah, Kiara, JJ, Pope, and Cleo accept Wes' offer, brought back into the game for a whole new adventure. But before they know it, they're in over their heads, with dangerous new enemies hot on their heels chasing them to find the treasure. Meanwhile, their problems only deepen and they're forced to question their past, present, and future: who they really are, and was it all worth it? and how far are they willing to risk?”


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