The latest installment of the “Ewan McGregor: A Transcontinental Motorcycle Journey” series will be released on Apple TV+ | THE RIVER

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Ewan McGregorA reality show where he travels around the world on a motorcycle“Long Way” (formerly Ewan McGregor's Transcontinental Motorcycle Journey)The production of a new film (title yet to be decided) in the series has been announced.

The series is a popular documentary that chronicles the epic motorcycle journey of McGregor and his partner Charlie Boorman. The first series, Long Way Round and Long Way Down, were broadcast in the UK in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and was revived in 2020 as Long Way Up on Apple TV+. In the series, the pair ride Livewire electric motorbikes, covering 13,000 miles in about 100 days from Argentina to Los Angeles. McGregor and Boorman also serve as executive producers.

The fourth film in the series sees the pair travel from McGregor's home in Scotland to Boorman's in England on a modified vintage motorbike, but instead of taking the quickest route, they head across the North Sea to Scandinavia, up the Arctic Circle, across the Baltic States and across continental Europe, before finally returning across the English Channel two months later.

“On one particularly tricky stretch of sand during 'Long Way Up,' Charlie and I started daydreaming about our next journey to distract ourselves from the treacherous road ahead,” McGregor said in a statement. “This is that journey: a 10,000 mile journey on a rusty old motorbike across Scandinavia, Eastern and Central Europe; a big detour from my home in Scotland to Charlie's home in England; the long journey home… a magical journey.”

The first series, “Long Way Round,” the second series, “Long Way Down,” and the third series, “Long Way Up,” are all currently available on Apple TV+.

â–¼ Ewan McGregor article

Source: Deadline, Apple TV+

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