Sequel to the film Winnie the Pooh (2023)Character posters featuring Pooh, Piglet, and other characters from “Winnie the Pooh 2” have been completed.“POOH IS BACK.”
Individual character posters of Pooh, Piglet, Owl, and Tigger have arrived. The gazes of each character give off a sense of fighting spirit.
In addition, a clip from the film was released that shows the swift attack scene of Owl and Tigger, who are making their first appearance in this film, showing their brutal killing specs at a glance. The police officers who rushed to the scene after receiving a report of the incident investigate carefully, but they fall right into their trap and resist in vain… How will Christopher Robin face these merciless and extremely vicious enemies?
Six still images have also arrived. Get a taste of the madness that awaits.
The copyright protection period for the original Winnie the Pooh (published in 1926) expired in many countries and entered the public domain, leading to the live-action horror film Winnie the Pooh. Despite having a super low production budget of just $100,000, it was a smash hit grossing $4.2 million worldwide and was also a big hit in Japan.
The sequel will be released in the US in March 2024. It got an astonishing 100% critic score on the review site Rotten Tomatoes. It has returned even more powerful than its predecessor, which won the most awards in 2023 at the Golden Raspberry Awards, also known as the Razzie Awards, which determine the worst movies.
The movie “Winnie-the-Pooh 2: Lelouch of the Opera” will be released nationwide on Friday, August 9, 2024, including at Shinjuku Piccadilly.