The latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)It has been revealed that Tom Holland's younger brother, Harry Holland, will be taking part in Deadpool & Wolverine.Apparently, even lead actor Ryan Reynolds only found out about this surprising fact after the film's release.
Harry's participation was revealed by George Cottle, the film's stunt coordinator and second unit director. Cottle updated his Instagram story with a photo of Harry in a Deadpool suit and wrote:
“@slevydirect & @vancityreynolds set the bar so damn high that even the stunt team needed a special guest star. Maybe not the Holland the world wanted, but this is the Holland we all needed. Well done @harryholland64!”
Harry is known as a filmmaker, and previously participated as a member of the production crew in “Spider-Man: Far From Home” (2019). He appears as one of the stuntmen in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” but which scene is it? The fact that he is wearing a Deadpool costume seems to be a big hint, but if you've seen the movie, you might be able to guess…
Ryan, who starred in, produced and wrote the script for the film, first found out about Harry's appearance when he saw Cottle's post. He quoted Cottle's post on his Instagram story and expressed his surprise, saying, “And now I know? I want to hear it.”
By the way, Harry was scheduled to make a cameo appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), starring his brother Tom, as a drug dealer who is caught by Spider-Man while robbing a bank, but unfortunately he was forced to cut it. He must be very happy to be joining the MCU, which he has always wanted.