The Boys, season 4: but why “Zendaya”?

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An unlikely reference to Peter Parker's companion in episode 6, explained by Eric Kripke.

Of course, there was that crazy scene (Homelander, breast milk and a jaw-dropping nursing session) that made you forget everything else… But before that, episode 6 of season 4 of The Boys had also crossed other boundaries, by sending Hughie into Batman's sado-maso dungeon… sorry Tek Knight (or Tek Paladin in French). The stylish billionaire of The Boys is actually into the most trashy sexual deviances, and of course, his batcave doesn't contain a batmobile but a cage and chains for games between consenting (or not) adults. And if “Alfred” is there, it's to clean up after himself!

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Tek Knight had already come out as a monster, so we were already halfway to the worst. And then the idea came up that he should have a Batcave, even though his Batcave is actually a sex dungeon.” laughs Eric Kripke in Variety.In the real Batcave, it's very dark and there are already rubber suits everywhere. It wasn't hard to imagine adding a few dildos and other masks… Especially since in The Boys comics, there's a great story in which Hughie infiltrates disguised as a superhero and Jack Quaid wanted to do it. So we thought we'd send this Webweaver! The idea of ​​having Spider-Man go down to get tickled in the Batcave was just too good to pass up.”

And at the end of this absolutely sordid sequence, we discover that Webweaver's “safe word” (the word to stop everything when the game goes too far) was: “Zendaya” ! Yes, a big wink to the Spiderman by Tom Holland!

The Boys season 4
Prime Video

“It was Anslem Richardson, who is the brilliant writer of the episode, who wrote that from the beginning in the script. We never thought of anything else. It was perfect. We had a good laugh! Of course, it's a reference to the one Spider-Man likes…” concludes Eric Kripke.

Season 4 of The Boys will continue next Thursday on Prime Video.


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