“Deadpool & Wolverine” is a surprise film in which Deadpool, who is originally from the former 20th Century Fox “X-Men” universe, joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It also makes a miracle of Hugh Jackman reprising his role as Wolverine, even though he was supposed to have graduated from the role.
However, the original plan for this movie was to have an even more outlandish surprise. According to Ryan Reynolds, who stars in the film and also serves as a producer, he revealed this to Variety:It's advertised as a completely unrelated fictional movie, and when the audience goes to see it in the theater, they suddenly find themselves watching “Deadpool and Wolverine.”It seems they were planning to play a prank on the victim.
According to Reynolds, initiallyAlpha CopHe had the idea to make a fake movie called “The Great Gatsby.” Reynolds even made a poster for this fictional movie, which he said he “intentionally made into a bad movie.” The outline of the movie was “about two men sharing one brain, and working together to become the perfect police officer.”
Reynolds said that he planned to promote Alpha Cop as a buddy movie starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, and secretly film Deadpool and Wolverine behind the scenes.A dozen people will go see the movie in America on its opening weekend, and after five minutes the Marvel logo will start to play, and they'll realize it's actually Deadpool and Wolverine.It was an unprecedented prank. I'm sure that at the beginning of the film, Deadpool would suddenly appear and announce, “Are you here to see 'Alpha Cop'? There is no such silly movie. This is 'Deadpool & Wolverine'.” If this had happened, it would have shocked audiences and the industry around the world.
However, it was extremely difficult to keep “Deadpool & Wolverine,” in which Reynolds and Jackman dress up in colorful suits, completely secret. In fact, hordes of paparazzi flocked to the location from the first day of shooting, and they were plagued by leaked photos.
If the film had really been promoted and released as “Alpha Cop,” how would the word-of-mouth and box office success have changed? I would have liked to see the results as a grand social experiment.
â–¼ Article about “Deadpool & Wolverine”